
The charter of the clan OST

Clan structure

Head (Head of the Clan) Павлито — overall clan leadership.


  • General (planning and directing combat operations, KvK) — Rex Magnus.
  • Chests Master (control of chests fulfillment) — Alina, Павлито.
  • “Ancients” Master (points, obelisks control) — Alina, Павлито.
  • HR (clan recruitment, rotation control, personnel management) —  Alina. Rotation rules in Appendix #4,

Superior groups:

  1. Group 1 — Ганник.
  2. Group 2 — Bujaj.
  3. Group 3 — Kley.
  4. Group 4 — Rex Magnus.
  5. Group 5 — Честер.
  6. Group 6 — Alina.

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Clan chats

  1. OST-MAIN-NEWS — is the most important chat room where all news and events are posted. Check it every day!
  2. Ring Ost — reservation and de-booking of cities for CP-run.
  3. OST Fight Club — Chat in order to negotiate CPrun.
  4. ancient ost — chat to publish your obelisk from “Ancients” event.
  5. Bank of OST Corp — Bank’s chat (terms of use in Appendix 2)

Basic Requirements for OST players.

  1. 401+ Hero’s Level (blue shield).
  2. 405+ Cleopatra’s level.
  3. 405+ Beowulf’s level.
  4. 405+ Amanitore’s level.
  5. 405+ level of any other combat’s captain.
  6. Consistently holding three leadership titles, excluding titles from events “Thirst for Battle” and “Ruthless Slaughter”.

These conditions are MANDATORY!

Additional Requirements for OST players.

  1. Senator’s title.
  2. Brave Warrior’s title.
  3. Seasonal equipment (minimum set of 6 gold items).
  4. Golden pass (or higher).
  5. Fast marches x5.
  6. Premium.

Each OST player must meet a minimum of 2 of the 6 requirements outlined above.

Superior groups

All clan players are divided into groups of 15-20 people, each group has its own Superior.

Functions of Superiors:

  1. Guidance, help in the development of players.
  2. Analyzing the logs of battles and crypts research.
  3. Recommendations for development. Assistance in drawing up a development plan.
  4. Control over the observance of discipline and execution of orders of the Head.
  5. Control over the fulfillment of norms on chests.
  6. Coordination in combat and KvK battles.
  7. Organization of the portal network within his group (Appendix 1).
  8. Monitoring the fulfillment of norms on “Ancients” event.
  9. Resolving conflicts within and between groups.
  10. Providing the Head with a list of players to be expelled from the clan for regular violations.
  11. Accounting and control of fulfillment of the Basic and Additional requirements for players.

Rights and Obligations of players.

  1. Strict obedience to the orders of the Superior of your group.
  2. At the request of the Superior, the player must provide the requested information about his current level of development.
  3. At the request of the Superior, the player must provide battle logs and research on crypts.
  4. The player has the right to ask the Superior for advice on development.
  5. The player is obliged to warn the Superior about absence from the game for more than 1 day.
  6. A player has the right to address the Superior of the group on any issue. If the Head of the group cannot solve the issue, he also solves the issue with the Head.

Clan OST Charter.

  1. All clan members are obliged to familiarize themselves with this Charter!
  2. All clan members are required to check the «OST-MAIN-NEWS» chat room daily for new messages.
  3. All disputes should be resolved between each other in private messages, not in the kingdom or clan chat! If you can’t reach an agreement, you should turn to your Superior, if he can’t help you, you should ask the Head for help.
  4. Clan members must treat each other with respect, not allow insults and foul language. Clan members must comply with the decisions of the clan leadership! Disrespectful and/or insulting attitude towards the Head of the clan and/or the Superiors, repeated and/or systematic ignoring/disregarding the requirements of the Head and/or the Superiors of the clan is punished by removal of the player from the clan.
  5. Clan events.

5.1) Participation in clan events is mandatory for all clan members. The event is announced in advance by clan notification and in the chat «OST-MAIN-NEWS».

5.2) Every player in the clan participates in a Clash of Kingdoms (KvK) event. Participation means that the main hero and 3 captains with the maximum possible number of troops in reinforcements, in the best combat equipment for the entire duration of the event or until special order.

5.2.1) The city to reinforce and the event itself is announced in advance by clan notification and in the «OST-MAIN-NEWS» chat room.

5.2.2) You may leave the reinforcement temporarily, with prior authorization from the Superior or after an appropriate announcement.

5.2.3) Players who violate the order may be fined, which must be paid into the clan treasury. The amount of the fine and the terms of its payment will be determined individually by the council of Superiors. 

5.2.4) For two or more order violations, the player will be transferred to Clan Academy for two weeks, with the option to return to the clan after paying the fine, as well as double the rate on clan chests for one or more reporting periods.

5.3) Individual flag collecting in KvK is allowed and encouraged. It is necessary to warn the Senior, who is responsible for the event, in advance that you are going to collect flags and get his consent. All flags collected individually must be deposited in the clan bunker.

5.4) Participation in clan events takes priority over personal goals. One of the main clan goals is active participation in KvK.

5.4.1) At the reinforcement should be the main character and ONLY combat captains with a bonus on attack power! Plus the best equipment for attack power!

5.4.2) All participants must take a minimum of 400 monsters of each species of maximum level, there is no limit to the number of monsters in reinforcements — the more the better.

5.4.3) All available mercenaries.

5.4.4) Strictly level 9 troops only!

5.4.5) Recruit as many troops as your leadership/authority/dominance allows.  The stronger your troops, the stronger the clan march!

5.4.6) Failure to comply with these instructions will constitute gross disciplinary misconduct.

5.5) We play the KvK event in cooperation with our allies. We give them our flags, they in turn give them to us — it is easier to achieve goals, so every clan player should be ready to give his flag to an ally. To do this, you must be ready to withdraw your entire army from the city, then the ally can take your flag by attacking with one unit, without touching your resources.

5.6) Basic KvK rules in Appendix 3. 

6. All clan players must participate in the development of the clan.

6.1) In order to realize the fundamental growth of the clan, the concept of meeting norms for collecting clan chests is introduced for all clan members. The reporting period is two weeks. The daily norm is 35 epic crypts 20+, i.e. 490 chests in two weeks

7.Every last Sunday of the month there is a Discord meeting where everyone can ask any questions to the Superiors and the Head of the Clan.

8. Dragon coins.

The Dragon Coins (DC) that are in the clan capital do not belong to the clan players — they go to the clan’s goals and objectives. A player can request for the DC through his Superior, explaining to him for what purposes you need them. Clan players get a lot of DC from chests and events — it is enough for a very active player. If you have problems with coins, then you are not spending them rationally.

9. Royal titles.

The OST (Ostrov) clan is the strongest clan in the game, and each clan member is required to obtain the title of Senator independently. Royal titles can be given to OST players only by prior agreement with the King.

10. Ancient’ Treasure and Rise of Ancients (briefly Ancients).

Each clan member MUST complete the daily quests, place, attack and kill their obelisk.

Copy the coordinates of the obelisk and post them in the appropriate chat room — the chat room is listed in the Clan chats section of this document and in the clan information.

100 players in a clan = 100 obelisks.

Every clan member MUST participate in battles with «Ancient» epic monsters.

A player who fails to participate in the “Ancients” event for the first time or fails to meet the required minimum in “Ancient” points may be penalized if he has not notified his Superior in advance. Repeat offenses will result in removal from the clan and transfer to the Academy. 

“Ancient” epic monsters summoning schedule:

Moscow time

Paris time

NYC time


11:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m.

6:00 a.m.


2:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m.


5:00 p.m. 

11:00 a.m.


8:00 p.m. 

2:00 p.m.

11. Alliances and agreements.

The OST clan has a number of agreements with other Kingdoms and some clans. Detailed information is posted at Clan Description and/or Message of the Day! Everyone must know it. The OST clan actively cooperates with the SchIT clan from K56. Any attacks on this kingdom are prohibited. Collecting any resources, monsters (epic monsters), citadels, crypts is prohibited.

Appendix 1


Group 1

Port 1 (К91 X:201 Y:239)

Port 2 (К91 X:349 Y:801)

Port 3 (К91 X:350 Y:144)

Port 4 (К91 X:300 Y:250)

Port 5 (К91 X:431 Y:245)

Port 6 (К91 X:423 Y:381)

Port 7 (К91 X:450 Y:150)

Group 2

Port 8 (К91 X:585 Y:175)

Port 9 (К91 X:685 Y:151)

Port 10 (К91 X:610 Y:276)

Port 11 (К91 X:749 Y:255)

Port 12 (К91 X:856 Y:314)

Port 13 (К91 X:564 Y:376)

Port 14 (К91 X:602 Y:492)

Group 3

Port 15 (К91 X:767 Y:299)

Port 16 (К91 X:750 Y:502)

Port 17 (К91 X:145 Y:649)

Port 18 (К91 X:855 Y:599)

Port 19 (К91 X:751 Y:571)

Port 20 (К91 X:750 Y:650)

Port 21 (К91 X:851 Y:759)

Group 4

Port 22 (К91 X:750 Y:752)

Port 23 (К91 X:750 Y:850)

Port 24 (К91 X:450 Y:650)

Port 25 (К91 X:604 Y:552)

Port 26 (К91 X:607 Y:685)

Port 27 (К91 X:602 Y:758)

Port 28 (К91 X:600 Y:850)

Group 5

Port 29 (К91 X:450 Y:750)

Port 30 (К91 X:450 Y:854)

Port 31 (К91 X:287 Y:455)

Port 32 (К91 X:450 Y:450)

Port 33 (К91 X:300 Y:550)

Port 34 (К91 X:450 Y:550)

Port 35 (К91 X:299 Y:635)

Appendix 2


If you deposit silver in the bank or transfer it from your account to another player’s account, you will be charged a 10% commission.

To deposit silver in the Bank you will need:

  1. Free the city from troops — the city should be completely empty.
  2. Free the city from unnecessary building resources and food — the Bank should take only silver.
  3. Make a request in chat, writing about your intention to surrender silver.
  4. Wait for a reply from the Bank in private messages.

To get silver from the deposit:

  1. Make an application in the Bank’s chat room, indicating that it is a deposit receipt.
  2. Wait for a reply from the Bank in personal messages.

To transfer silver deposited in the bank to another player:

  1. Coordinate the withdrawal of silver with the recipient.
  2. Make a request in the Bank chat about the intention to transfer silver from your account to another player (specify the player’s nickname). Be sure to specify whether to withdraw or transfer, as these are different operations.

Silver is surrendered to the Bank by attacking your portal. Your portal should be placed next to the portal that the Bank indicates — not across the square, not diagonally, but next to it.

Try to place requests in advance. Do not forget that the Bank is run by people and they may not always be online.

Bank’s chat room: Bank of OST Corp

Appendix 3

KvK basic rules.

The Clash of Kingdoms (KvK) is an important indicator of Clan activity — it is the ability to work in a team, to follow strict discipline.

Basic rules for flag hunters:

  1. All flag hunters must have an Alrick hero.
  2.  If you plan to hunt for flags, you must not have any silver in your town! Losing silver and giving it to the enemy makes the enemy stronger. You can turn in silver to the Bank, if you don’t know how to do this, ask your Superior.
  3. There should be no extra troops in the city, you should withdraw ALL troops at the first opportunity and pass the flags to the bunker.
  4. You should know in advance where and how to pass flags and be prepared, in the event of an attack on you, to do so.
  5. To lose your flags is to help your opponent win. If you are not sure that you can save flags and surrender them to the Bunker, it is better not to play KvK, as you will only help your opponent to collect more flags.
  6. You may leave the clan territory only in case of emergency. Outside the clan territory you can be caught building a new clan capital next to you. If you have an additional account, you can create a clan yourself and build a capital next to you, thus securing yourself and, if necessary, kicking yourself out of the territory of this new clan.
  7. Try to turn in flags to the Clan Bunker as often as possible, don’t think about personal goals.
  8. All combat coordination is done by voice communication in Discord.
  9. Players who are unable to communicate in voice chat should keep an eye on Clan chat and be in contact with the Bunker Keeper.
  10. 30-40 minutes before KvK starts or earlier, ALL participants should log into Discord chat. Allocate to kingdoms, prepare objectives, understand the mechanism of transferring flags to the Bunker, and find out who is responsible for the transfer.

Players who are not going to hunt for flags must be under shield and reinforce the Bunker and always obey the commands of the Superiors and the Bunker Keeper.

If you want to help without having an Alrick hero. You must remove silver from the city, withdraw your army and give your flag to the Allies through the portal. Then you will be able to help without the risk of losing resources, army or flag. You will be able to scout, place portals, and attack targets that the Bunker Keeper or the Superior point out.

The result of a battle as a whole consists of the sum of the results of all private engagements. © Carl von Clausewitz

What does the world-famous military theorist tell us if we apply his thought to our game?

The performance of a clan depends on the performance of all players.

Appendix 4


The clan sends one player to the main OST for 14 days. (number of players is subject to change). The start of the rotation must coincide with the start of the chest reporting period. The rotation ends on the day of the end of the reporting period for chests.

Rotational Player Obligations:

1. When a player moves to OST, he must send a message to the player in charge of HR management (see section «Clan structure») with the data:

— Level of Guards, Monsters, Specialists. Example: G9-M9-S9.

— The level of Cleopatra, Amanitore, Hercules/Beowulf/Skadi (if any).

— Main hero level.

2. Once the rotation is over, the player must send a re-message, with a short commentary on what they have accomplished in those 14 days.

3. After each Ancients event, the player must donate the silver he failed to spend to the bank. If the player loses the silver, the player is permanently deprived of the opportunity to participate in the rotation. And the clan that sent the player will have to repay the lost amount of silver to the OST clan treasury.

4. A player must fulfill all clan norms or be close to fulfilling them.

5. The player is obliged to follow all orders of the Superiors or the Head of the clan.

6. A player must follow all clan rules. Respect allies and friends of the clan.

7. The player must participate in all clan events.

At the end of the rotation, we will evaluate the player’s performance. We will evaluate the player’s growth: level of troops, captains, hero, as well as results on “Ancient”, fulfillment of chests norms, player’s activity in clan life.

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